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About Us

Annatek LLC evolved from my passion to support women’s fertility health initiatives with the Billings Ovulation Method®. This method of fertility management was developed by Drs John and Evelyn Billings of Melbourne, Australia in 1953 and has helped millions of women worldwide manage their fertility naturally, without the need to rely on contraceptives. Women experience freedom in understanding their fertility and can pursue their goals, knowing they are living in harmony with their bodies. For 30 years I’ve helped women learn how to postpone pregnancy naturally, monitor their fertility health, and achieve pregnancy by teaching them to understand how their fertility operates so they can work in conjunction with it.

Sometimes, this work requires me to be in New York at the UN Headquarters, or Washington DC, or even in Geneva, Switzerland at the Palais des Nations or World Health Assembly. As the organizations I work with are limited in budget, I decided to venture into entrepreneurship and start Annatek LLC as an online eCommerce business in 2019. And as I strongly believe in “Buy American and Hire American”, I source and produce all of my products in the United States, with the exception of my initial launch being developed in Ontario, Canada. Please be assured that when you support me at Annatek, you support women in their fertility health initiatives and you support our growing American industry.